The Rhydymwyn Valley History Society was founded in May 2008 and its core interest is the operation of the Valley Works at Rhydymwyn and the involvement of Tube Alloys in the site. It is a story of over 2,200 people in wartime directed labour, and billeting, the enfranchisement of female labour, the involvement of common people in a worthy, but distasteful, duty. It is not, in any way, an attempt to glorify war or to condone militarism.
The information on this site is contributed by members of the Rhydymwyn Valley History Society. We currently have over 1,200 members and new members are always welcome! We welcome everyone who wishes to become involved, irrespective of age, gender, sexual orientation, race, colour, ethnicity, political persuasion, religion or belief.
Do you know something we don't?
Do you have any comments about our site?
Does your family have a connection to the Rhydymwyn Valley Works?
Do you have a story to tell?
Do you have any old photos of the Rhydymwyn Valley Works?
If so, we would like to hear from you! Please sign our guestbook opposite and leave a comment.

Regular Meetings
Meetings held each month and take place in the Visitor Centre on the site.
Officers 2018-2019
Chairman: Colin Barber
Vice Chairmen: Peter Hartnell; Terry Jeffery; Michael Spencer; Raymond Rogers and David Smith
Treasurer: Lyn Tinkler
Secretaries: Jacqueline Barber and Paula Wilding
Opening Hours
The Rhydymwyn Valley Site is open to members for managed access on weekdays from 8am to 6pm and at weekends from 9am to 5pm (holidays excluded).
The Rhydymwyn Valley History Society welcomes visitors from schools, societies and any other interested parties. We show movies, tell you about the site and will take you on a tour which will include taking you just beyond the threshold of the tunnel system.
Contact us for further information.
Illustrated Talks
Colin Barber, the Chairman of Rhydymwyn Valley History Society, gives a number of talks throughout the year on various topics, about the life and times of the Rhydymwyn Valley Works and the people connected to it.
All of the talks are given as a PowerPoint presentation, projected onto a screen, or preferably a wall, at your venue. These presentations contain many historic and current photographs and film clips. The shows run from 40 minutes upwards.
He will provide, if necessary, his own projection and presentation equipment
The topics currently available are:
The History of the Valley Works at Rhydymwyn.
A History of the Rhydymwyn Tunnels.
Projects Wellbright, Mallard, Folium and Python: Rhydymwyn's Role in the Cold War.
The History of the Beginning of the British Hit Parade.
"Now I Am Become Death, Destroyer of Worlds": The Rhydymwyn Contribution to the Manhattan Project.
The History of the British Bomb.
Scandal, Spies and the Theatre: A Fairy Story.
The Musical Theatre: A Personal History.
"May All Your Christmases Be White": The Christmas Songs.
Some of these presentations have been given at Imperial College, London; RAF Valley (to the Defence of Britain Meeting); the Flintshire Historical Lecture; many History Societies; Probuses; Women’s Institutes; Rotaries; U3A’s and many others.
He also has in preparation talks on:
The Great American Songbook.
The Great Lady Singers: From Ella Fitzgerald to Diana Krall.
Famous Ladies You May Not Know.
This is our normal RVHS Talk format but it can be adjusted to suit your particular time and needs.
Contact us for further information.
We have ambitious plans which need funding. Our sole income, except for occasional grants, depends on donations (most of which come from Open Days and Guided Tours). The residue comes from initial subscriptions and annual donations from our members. We ask that, if you think we provide value, you support us further by contributing?